Thursday, May 27, 2010

BYU for mayor!

So, somebody has created a Twitter account called bobs_yer_uncle and has been tweeting about stuff from work.  Normally I wouldn't even mention this, but apparently this Bob character has caused quite a stir.

It started during Technocon, which was a joint tech conference put on by the UofA and the COE.  Apparently tweets were made during the conference that were basically making fun of a bunch of stuff.  The thought was that this person had to be at the conference as they were referencing stuff that was happening - as it happened.  Instead of talking about individual tweets, you can read them for yourself.

Now...the thing that stood out for a lot of us, was that these tweets basically captured what a lot of people were thinking, but nobody had the balls to say.  Most everyone that heard about it assumed it was me!!!  I know I have been very vocal about stuff in the past, but why would I need to create a fake account when I am vocal on my own twitter account?

A lot of people are trying to find out who is behind the account.  It would seem we all have our suspicions, but nobody seems to know.

Our CIO was at a web conference in Toronto and apparently did some sort of panel discussion.  During this discussion he apparently talked about BYU and how this person was rumored to be one of Chris' staff using twitter to criticize him.  The fact that this has been brought up in some nationwide public forum is almost funny.  Bobs_yer_uncle is famous!  LOL

BYU was quiet for a while, and then made fun of some survey results.  Through all of this, if nothing else, it got a lot of people animated, engaged and talking about all the things that BYU said in his tweets.  Is that a bad thing?  I don't think so. now appears that there is a manhunt on for BYU.  Rumor now has it that HR is trying to track this person down.  For what?  From what I have read, nothing was said that: wasn't true; was hurtful; slanderous; or personally attacking someone.  Perhaps the line was bent somewhat on some of the posts, but I personally don't think he ever crossed it.

What is going to happen if/when the secret identity of Bobs_yer_uncle is ever discovered?  Will the person be "Merl'd"?  Will they get a slap on the wrist?  Will they be publicly ridiculed?

As some other people in the branch have said, even if they knew who this person was, they wouldn't tell.  That is the stand I am going to take.  As long as BYU continues to keep his tweets clean, concise, honest and to the point, I will quietly cheer him on.  BYU has been quiet lately, so maybe someone found out who it is and he decided to quit, or maybe the person behind BYU is's hoping we never find out.

Oh yeah... BYU for Mayor!

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