Friday, March 23, 2012

Employers and Facebook

There are a bunch of stories floating around right now about employers asking people for their Facebook login information.  Regardless what their claims are for wanting this, here are some reasons why *I* think it is a bad idea:

  • Would you give them the keys to your house in case they want to see how clean your house is?
  • Would you give them your bank card PIN?
  • Would you give them your friends phone number?
  • How about your friends vacation photos?
  • How about your daughter's boyfriend's, parent's, brother's, daughter's last party photos?
Once someone has access to your Facebook profile, they have access to EVERY single person on your friend list.  Granted, your friends may limit what they share with you, but you still have access to them.  One of the things shared is a list of their friends and their photos and their wall posts.  Do you think they want YOUR employer to have access to this information?  If they did they would already have your employer as one of their friends.

Please do us all a favor and refuse to provide this information.  I know I did not agree to let your employer look at my vacation photos...

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